How to play
Master of customs?
Master of customs?

This is where you work.
The corruption machine is busy, and it’s time to feed it! The big red button opens the barrier. Press it to get a storyline. Minivans, semis, buses, and cars are the residents of Planet Border.

Which one will it be? The red button or the blue one?
You will be getting interesting offers that you can either accept by pressing “Collect” or decline and follow the law by pressing “Legit.” Press “Collect” and start making big bucks!

Keep your Stash!
This is your cache with everything you’ve earned through hard work. To hang onto your soft berth, though, you need to know how to handle your stash properly. It’s entirely up to you whether you get promoted to shift leaders or become the boss of the entire Customs Service. But you can be broken!

Take risks responsibly!
This is the corruption tachometer. The needle revs higher every time you take a bribe, showing you the risk of an anti-corruption raid. When it goes into the red, beware: you could find yourself face to the floor.

Trust and security
To control the tachometer, you need to share with the top bosses and security. The closer the needle gets to the red zone, the greater your risk of being fired. Earning little or forgetting to share? Say good-bye to your career!

More earnings bring your dream job closer!
Prove your worth and you could be offered the position of shift leader. Just make sure the big bosses like you, and so do security, sweetened with some cash, and you could be climbing that career ladder to a very different income bracket!

What rank would you like at the Custom
So, you like American presidents? Check the player rating to see how ambitious and motivated you are. Share your result with friends to let them know who they’re dealing with! Start the game and see what your real rank in the Customs could be.